PASS THE BOOK Hall of Fame

Follow the books around the world


It’s so exciting for authors to send books out into the world and then meet the folk who have read them, here at  Pass The Book Hall of Fame.

See where your copy of the book has been – and find out where it goes after you.

Send us a photo of you reading it and tell us where in the world you were at that time.  We’ll feature you on our blog –   Traveling Book News and enter you in the permanent Hall of Fame. Don’t forget to tell us a bit about yourself, the location and what you liked about it and be part of the evolving story of  that book.

Email me at OR

If you’ve already sent in your photo, choose the book title from the menu above and then select your copy number (found on the inside cover).  Photos and locations are entered in the order that the book was read.  The blog post about you will appear around the date that you sent the information (I will drop you a line with a link once it has gone live).

Prizes are awarded regularly for the most unusual photo locations.  There are competitions with unique prizes for each book title.

If you enjoyed the book, the best way you can say thank you to our authors is by leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads and by telling your friends.

PASS IT ON is our motto and we hope that you will too.

Thanks for reading our books and for supporting our authors.